America's History 8th Edition Chapter 1 Test

Advanced Placement United States History

These quizzes correspond the the textbook, America: A Concise History by James A. Henretta, David Brody, and Lynn Dumenil. Here is the link to the textbook's website . You can choose to take their self-assessment quizzes or use any other of their study aids. Use my e-mail address ( as a login.



Colonial History


The Frontier

From Isolation to World War Two


The Gilded Age

The Cold War and the Fifties

Building a New Nation

The Progressive Era: At Home and Abroad

The Sixties, Vietnam, and t he Seventies

The Jacksonian Era

World War One and the Roaring Twenties

1980s and 1990s

Sectionalism, the Road to the Civil War, and the Civil War

The Great Depression and The New Deal

Review for AP

Colonial History : Chapters One to Four

Multiple Choice Quiz on Chapter One - Worlds Collide: Europe and America

Multiple Choice Quiz on Chapter Two - The Invasion and Settlement of North America, 1550-1700

Another Multiple Choice Quiz on Chapter Two - The Invasion and Settlement of North America, 1550-1700

Multiple Choice Quiz on Chapter Three - The British Empire in America, 1660-1750

Another Multiple Choice Quiz on Chapter Three - The British Empire in America, 1660 - 1750

Flashcards on the Founding of the English Colonies in North America

Flashcards on Settlers

Multiple Choice Quiz on Chapter Four - Growth and Crisis in American Society, 1720 - 1765

Return to the top

Independence: Chapters Five and Six

Flashcards on Laws and other items on the Road to Revolution

Flashcards on People on the Road to Revolution

Choronology Quiz on Events leading to the Revolution

Another Chronology Quiz on Events at the beginning of the Revolution

Multiple Choice Quiz on Chapter Five: The Road to Revolution

Multiple Choice Quiz on Chapter Six: The Revolution

Matching Quiz on Battles of the American Revolution - Although you don't need to know these for the APUSH test, just the ones I've told you in class you should know. This is justfor those of you who enjoy military history.

Multiple Choice quiz on the Articles of Confederation and the Constitutional Convention

Another Multiple Choice quiz on the Articles of Confederation and the Constitutional Convention

Quiz on the Federalists vs. the Antifederalists

Return to the top

Building a New Nation

Which political party?

Multiple choice quiz on the War of 1812

Multiple choice quiz on Presidents Washington through Monroe

Matching quiz on laws of this period

Matching quiz on Supreme Court cases and foreign policy in this period

Flashcards on the people of this period

Multiple Choice Quiz on Chapter Eight: Regional Diversity and National Identity

The Jacksonian Era

Multiple Choice Quiz on Jackson's Presidency

Another Multiple Choice Quiz on the Jacksonian Era

More Multiple Choice on the Era of Jackson

Flashcards on Jackson's Presidency

Put the events regarding the Nullification Crisis in chronological order

Put the events regarding the Cherokee and the Trail of Tears in chronological order

Multiple Choice on The Industrial Revolution

Matching Quiz on Important men in the American Industrial Revolution

These are quizzes that the students in the class created.

Matching Quiz on Abolitionists by James Kotecki

Things You Should Know about Slavery and Abolition by James Kotecki

Abolitionist Leaders by James Kotecki

Matching Quiz on the Women's and Reform Movements by Kate Thompson

Other Aspects of Women's and Reform Movements by Kate Thompson and Kate Daugherty

Women, Reform, and the Temperance Movement by Kate Thompson and Kate Daugherty

Religious figures by Clare Barnett

Multiple Choice on Religion by Clare Barnett

More Religion Matching by Clare Barnett

Transcendentalists and Cultural Changes by Kelsey O'Neill

True/False on Transcendentalism by Colin Nickels

Matching Quiz on Transcendentalists by Colin Nickels

Sectionalism, The Road to Civil War, and the Civil War

Put the United States' territorial acquisitions in chronological order

Match present day states with how the territory was acquired

Events in the Texan Revolution

The War with Mexico

Multiple choice quiz on the War with Mexico and Western Expansion

Put the following events in this period in chronological order

Multiple Choice on Sectionalism and the Civil War

Multiple Choice Questions on the period leading to the Civil War

Multiple Choice Questions on the period leading to the Civil War

Put the following events leading to the Civil War in the correct chronological order

Up to the quiz

Put the presidents in the correct order

Choose whether these statements apply to the North, the South, both regions or neither region

Flashcards on important people of this era

Flashcards, Concentration and Memory Game on the Pre-Civil War era (I didn't make this one.)


Matching quiz on Reconstruction Plans

Matching quiz on terms dealing with the Reconstruction Period

Multiple Choice on the Reconstruction Period

Multiple Choice on the Reconstruction Period

Chronology of the Reconstruction Period

The Frontier

Put these events about the American West in the correct chronological order

Flashcards on famous people in the history of the American West

Flashcards on events in the history of the American West

Multiple choice on the Frontier

Midterm Review Quizzes

Flashcards on Treaties

Flashcards on rebellions and other violence

Flashcards: Supreme Court Cases

Flashcards on National vs. States' Rights (Constitutional Convention through Jackson - not including Supreme Court cases)

Flashcards on National vs. States' Rights (1850s through 1877)

Flashcards: International Relations

Flashcards on religious history

The Gilded Age

Multiple Choice on the Gilded Age

More Multiple Choice on the Gilded Age

Flashcards on politics in the Gilded Age

Flashcards on capital and industry in the Gilded Age

Flashcards on the labor movement in the Gilded Age

Flashcards on issues concerning farmers in the Gilded Age

Flashcards on Supreme Court Cases of Gilded Age

Important People of the 1890s (by Jennifer Hales)

Important Events of the 1890s (by Jennifer Hales)

Put the presidents from the second half of the 19th century in order (just for fun/ not necessary for the test)

The Progressive Era: At Home and Abroad

Multiple Choice on Progressivism

Multiple Choice on Imperialism

Matching quiz on blacks in this era

Flashcards on Thinkers and Writers of the Progressive Era

Flashcards on Other People of the Progressive Era

Flashcards on Supreme Court Cases of the Progressive Era

Flashcards on Laws and Actions of the Progressive Era

Flashcards on Imperialism

People from 1900-1910 by Marie Montgomery

Events from 1900-1910 by Marie Montgomery

World War One and the Roaring Twenties

Multiple Choice on World War One

Flashcards: Foreign Policy during WWI

World War One Flashcards

More flashcards on World War One

Multiple Choice on the Twenties

Flashcards on the Twenties

More flashcards on the Twenties

People of the 1920s by Colin Nickels

Important Events of the 1920s by Colin Nickels

Important Events of the 1920s by Pieter Kreuk

1920s Most Important People by Pieter Kreuk

The Great Depression and The New Deal

Multiple Choice on the Great Depression

More Multiple Choice on the Great Depression

More Multiple Choice on the Great Depression

Matching Quiz on New Deal Programs and Laws

Flashcards on the Great Depression

Events of the 1930s by Kevin Wohlgenant

People of the 1930s by Kevin Wohlgenant

Events from 1935-1945 by Clare Barnett

Important People from 1935-1945 by Clare Barnett

From Isolation to World War Two

Multiple Choice on World War Two

More Multiple Choice on World War Two

Flashcards: Foreign Policy through WWII

Flashcards on World War Two

More Flashcards on World War Two

Events of the 1940s from Kate Thompson

Fun Folks of the 1940s by Kate Thompson

The Cold War and the Fifties

Multiple Choice on the Fifties

Multiple Choice on the Cold War and the Fifties

More Multiple Choice on the Cold War

Flashcards on Domestic Policies of the Post-War Period

Flashcards on the Cold War

Events of the Nifty Fifties by Emma Shields

People of the Nifty Fifties by Emma Shields

Events from 1945-1960 by Lindsey Kennedy

People from 1945-1960 by Lindsey Kennedy

The Sixties, Vietnam, t he Seventies, and the Eighties

Multiple Choice on the Sixties

More Multiple Choice on the Sixties

Multiple Choice on the Seventies

Multiple Choice the Seventies: through Carter

Multiple Choice on the Eighties and Nineties

Foreign Policy from Vietnam to the Present

Important Events of the 1960s by Rachel Brody

Important People of the 1960s by Rachel Brody

15 Fab People from 1960-1969 by Dave Gardner

Events that Freaked out the Norms in the 1960s by Dave Gardner

Cool Cats of the 1960s by Kelsey O'Neill

The 1960s - What did happen in this cool decade? by Kelsey O'Neill

Important Events of the 1970s by Kate Daugherty

People of the 1970s by Kate Daugherty

Important Events of the 1970s by Emily Freifeld

People of the 1970s by Emily Freifeld

Eighties and Nineties

Multiple Choice on the Eighties and Nineties

Foreign Policy from Vietnam to the Present

Review for the Advanced Placement Test

Which decade? Flashcards for American foreign policy: study who was president when these events occurred as well as what decade they occurred in.

Which decade? Flashcards for events in American historyL study who was president when these events occurred as well as what decade they occurred in.

Midterm Review Quizzes - From Colonial Times through Reconstruction

Flashcards on Treaties

Flashcards on rebellions and other violence

Flashcards: Supreme Court Cases

Flashcards on National vs. States' Rights (Constitutional Convention through Jackson - not including Supreme Court cases)

Flashcards on National vs. States' Rights (1850s through 1877)

Flashcards: International Relations

Flashcards on religious history

Advanced Placement Review - From Reconstruction to the Present

Flashcards: Foreign Policy in the New Nation

Flashcards: Foreign Policy from the War of 1812 through the Civil War

Flashcards: Treaties and Diplomatic Meetings from the Civil War to the Present

Flashcards: Prominent People involved in Foreign Policy from the Civil War through WWI

Flashcards: Prominent People involved in Foreign Policy from WWII to the Present

Flashcards: Foreign Policy from the Civil War until WWI

Flashcards: Foreign Policy during WWI

Flashcards: Foreign Policy through WWII

Flashcards: Foreign Policy from WWII to Vietnam

Flashcards: Foreign Policy from Nixon through Reagan

Flashcards: Doctrines in U.S. Foreign Policy

Flashcards: Notable laws passed between the Civil War and 1920

Flashcards: Notable laws passed from the 1920s through the Great Depression

Flashcards: Notable laws passed from the 1930s through the 80s

Flashcards: Important Supreme Court Cases from the Civil War to the Present

Flashcards: Famous People in the History of American Business

Flashcards: The History of American Labor

Flashcards: Famous People in the History of American Labor

Flashcards: Matching on Civil Rights from the Civil War to WWII

Flashcards: Matching on Civil Rights of the 1950s and 1960

Flashcards: Important Women in American History

Flashcards: Important Writers in American History: from Colonial Times to the Gilded Age

Flashcards: Important Writers in American History from the Gilded Age through the 20th century

Flashcards: Relations with Indians up to the Civil War

Flashcards: Relations with Indians since the Civil War

Flashcards: History of American Expansion to the Mexican War

Flashcards: History of American Expansion after the Mexican War

Flashcards: American Scientists, Inventors, and Other Firsts

Flashcards: Innovators in Transportation and Communication

Practice Exam - here is a practice APUSH multiple choice test from AP Exam Review that is a subscription site, but the practice test is free. I don't endorse the test; the spelling errors are disturbing, especially from a site asking for money.

America's History 8th Edition Chapter 1 Test


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